Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Playing with Grosvati

It was so nice to have Grosi and Grosvati for a visit. It has been over a month since we last saw them and Katie has been asking to go to Grosi's house for the last week.
Both girls were excited to see them and it didn't take Katie any time before she was all over them. Literally.
Watch me go!
So much fun!!
It took Maya a little bit longer to warm up to Grosi and Grosvati (about 10 min, as opposed to Katie's 10 seconds). But after that she was happy playing with them.
Climbing and jumping all over Grosi and Grosvati was lots of fun for both girls.
When we were just about ready to say good bye, Mom mentioned that they could take Katie home with them since we were planning to go out to the farm tomorrow anyway. When we asked Katie if she wants to go she was all for it so we quickly packed an overnight bag and off she went. It felt kind of weired waving good bye to Katie. Usually when they stay with either set of grandparent we drop them off and then we are the ones leaving. Sending Katie off on her own was a little weird, and sad, and exciting. She is growing up so fast!!


  1. awh, that's too cute. Can i have the other one?

  2. see. this is why i like the blog. i get to see you guys. i love that katie went with your parents. but i have to ask...why didn't they offer to take nate home?

