Monday, November 29, 2010

Night Off!!

No pics today, since I don't have the kids!! and who wants to see pictures of me anyway?
So after a busy weekend, I packed up the kids this morning to take them to my parents for a couple of days. We have a full team meeting tomorrow in Toronto most of the day so it wouldn't have been a great idea to try to take the kiddies along. So now I'm not only able to participate fully in the meeting tomorrow, Jeff and I also have the night off. The plans are to go out for dinner and then do some Christmas shopping (I love our PC mastercard which provides us with just enough PC points to do most of the Christmas shopping we have left to do). I'm so looking forward to a quiet, uninterrupted, unmessy, feeding only myself kind of meal!!! I do miss the girls already though. Pathetic I know.
Oh yeah, on the way home from the farm I just had to stop at the spinery outlet store in Listowell where they just happened to have a sock yarn sale. So Sarah and Mel, you got a pair coming eventually. I got some Christmas orders I need to work on first, but after that it's your turn.
Anyway, gotta go, have a date to go to!!


  1. oh, how much fun. i haven't had a date in months...that's the nice thing about having inlawas (and outlaws) within driving distance...

  2. enjoy, enjoy and enjoy!

    just don't go and make a another baby

