Friday, November 12, 2010

At the farm

Katie had a lot of fun with Grosi and Grosvati on her short stay on her own. Grosi was gone all morning for Bible study so Grosvati and Katie spent 2 hours "fishing". They have a little clay fish that Katie washed, dried, put in different jars with water. She used laddles, spoons and cups to play and splash water all morning.
In the afternoon after my co-worker Donna, Maya and I arrived Grosi took the girls to their friend's goat farm. Donna and I were able to enjoy an hour or so of peace and quiet.
After that Katie helped Grosi wash salad fresh from the garden.
Well, maybe it was more that Grosi washed and Katie sampled the lettuce. She did manage to completely soak her top though.
While Katie and Grosi were busy with the lettuce, and I was busy taking pictures, Maya got busy on her own...
getting into Grosvati's liquor cabinet;)
After a busy day the girls were getting ready for bed. Milk and a show and off they went.

On our way to the farm Donna and I hit the Spirite Factory Outlet store in Listowel. A haven for knitters, and other crafty people. They sell yarn seconds for 35cents/0z. I got enough to make 5 pairs of adult wool socks, 3 kiddy pairs, and about 8 slippers and a scarf (or baby blanket - haven't decided). This should keep me busy for the next little while.

1 comment:

  1. i LOVE the yarn in the second row under the blue/purple...those 2 balls or orangy/greeny fally colors....they would make great socks...hint...nudge....hint....*cough*....

