Wednesday, November 17, 2010


After a busy "single mom" morning routine and breakfast(Jeff had to go to Kitchener to pick up Uncle Marc early) Katie stepped into the mommy role herself and made sure that Peter Rabbit got his breakfast too. She got the bunny settled in the booster seat, got the bib on and got some food.
Very nicely she shared her cheerios with Peter
And when he was all done, she made sure he was all cleaned up before bunny could come out of the booster
Katie is starting to have to help and do some chores, well, I get her to help me set the table every once in a while. I give her the plates, glasses, etc and she puts them on the table for me.
The placement will need some work, but for not even 3 years old I thought she did a pretty good job.

After missing last week, we were happy to have Uncle Marc at our house again today. Both girls are really warming up to him and had a lot of fun climbing and jumping all over him. Thanks for being such a great sport Uncle Marc.
Yup it was one of those! Maya was down for her nap, I was busy in the kitchen doing dishes and cleaning up after a rushed breakfast and lunch. Katie was playing nicely and quietly in the livingroom. Too quietly. When I checked on her this is what I found.
She had her groceries and cooking toys spread all over the living room and was pouring "it" from one container into another.
A close up of her busy work. And yes, "it" was rice that she aparently stole off the counter! All over!! I guess I can be happy it was dry rice and not cooked.
So, since she was playing happily and I still had more work to do, I just let her keep playing. The mess wasn't going to get any bigger, and whether I clean it up now or in half an hour didn't matter. It's all clean now and it's time to go cook supper. So off I go.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, Nathaniel's "it" was rasped carrots all over the carpet. no idea if he chewed them and then spit them out (I HOPE not) or if he found the grater. either way, the vacuum did clean it up except for some orange stain on the white pillow...gotta love kids...have an awesome day ursi!
