Saturday, January 8, 2011

Over the last few days

First off I want to thank Mel for all her many blog updates, it is so great to get a glimpse into your day and your head/heart. Thank you for being so open.
Second, I don't think I can follow suit. I would love to blog more often, and with the girls there would always be something funny to share, but life at the mission and at home is getting busy (in the entire month of January we'll have 8 days without somebody here). So I think I'll resign to reality that maybe once a week, twice in a good week is what this here mom can handle as far as blogging goes.
Just sharing some of the fun we've had over the last few days..
Katie is introducing Maya to couch jumping. Maya is a quick study and they both had fun until I had to get Uncle Marc's bed ready. (due to mission guests downstairs he's on the couch for a couple of nights)
Katie going all out now that Maya's having her nap.
Going for a walk/tractor/sled ride. It was beautiful and we got bundled up to play outside for a bit.
Maya is enjoying her present from Grosi and Grosvati, a cute little chair just her size. She spends quite a bit just sitting at that little table playing with whatever toy is handy.
Katie is enjoying her gift from Grandma and Grandpa. Both girls love climbing into the awesome cribs they got for Christmas.
Boxes are awesome.
And they come for free everytime I buy diapers. Which by the way I'll have to do less since Katie is pretty much trained. She's been in big girl underware since Wed afternoon, had one pee in the pants, was quite upset and probably scared by the experience and hasn't had an accident since.
This morning the girls and I went out to play in the fresh snow. We went tobogganing on our back hill and then went to hang out on the dock a bit.
Both girls did very well and went down the hill all by themselves.
Love this picture.
Time's up, Maya is REALLY wanting my attention.


  1. that last one IS a nice picture and IMHO, once or twice a week is still very nice to be able to feel connected. Have a great weekend!

  2. ursi, uris, ursi. silly girl. your blog is just that. your's! blog when you want, how you want, as much or as little as you want or simply not at all!

    i have been blogging for awhile now, i had another blog before this one for about 2 yrs but i deleted it :( so, it's more of a habit for me!

    life is busy! do what you can! or not at all! :)))

