Thursday, January 20, 2011

Just a minute

That's all I got today. The girls are watching a show, well they were, I just had to go and rescue our adult DVDs that Maya got into. Anyway, just wanted to let you know that I had a great time away, got my digital photo book 98% done, just need to tweek a couple of things, and now am back, busy as ever.
We're looking ahead to a very busy week at the mission (new missionary inters orientation) . Hope to carve out some time soon. The kids are rangy and hungry, gotta go before things go from bad to horrible.


  1. wish you all the best in your battle...sometimes i wonder if it ever slows down...a few more years i ya, sis!

  2. ok. seriously. every mom i have talked to today is having the same kind of day!

    this too shall pass!
