Monday, January 2, 2012

Christmas Eve - New Year

I guess if I don't post more often, I'll always end up with long posts. So grab a cup of coffee as I share some pics about our holidays.
Our church had a nice Christmas Eve service for families at 4:30 p.m. We came home and fed the girls supper. Then they got to open their Christmas Eve present.

They got matching new PJs and an ornament (tradition Jeff grew up with and we adopted for our kids) When they are all grown up and leave home they'll have a box full of christmas ornaments for their own tree.

After the girls were settled Jeff and I had a romantic cheese fondue in front of our Christmas tree.


Our girls don't know about getting up early and opening presents at an ungodly hour!! They came and snuggled with us until about 7:30 and then we slowly made our way to the waiting tree with all the gifts. But even so, they posed for a picture before we got to opening the gifts.

"Snow Princess" PJs

Katie picked Max and Ruby dolls at a consignment shop for Maya. Maya loved them!! Katie's favorite present was a tiny tea set in a picnic basket.

Both girls got puzzles and we enjoyed playing with them together

Katie took the picture of Daddy, Rabbit and Strawberry shortcake having another tea party.


From the 26 -28th Jeff's parents joined us for some family fun.
We had rabbit, potatoes, cerery root salad and beans from our garden for our Christmas dinner.

On the 27th we went to our annual shopping trip to Vaugh Mills Mall. As usual Jeff and Dad only left Bass Pro to come and join us for lunch at the food court. Katie stayed with the guys and Maya came with Mom and I. Both girls did AWESOME even in the crowded mall!

On Wed morning we actually had some snow and decided we better take advantage of it. The wind was pretty cold, but we were bundled up and had lots of fun

Our very little "hill" behind the washroom building. Not much of a run, but that also means not much of a hike back up the hill and it was out of the wind.

We love our light weight, family size toboggan.

Everyone had fun! The small and the big kids.


From the 30th to the 1st we went to my parents.

Christmas #3. Both girls got wonderfully cute farm pillows. Grosvati picked the fabric and Grosi did the sewing.

Maya was also very interested in opening gifts. We were all blessed again by the generosity of our families.

Maya loved the gifts, but the paper and ribbons still hold a lot of fun, especially when you can wrap up Grosvati.

Katie loves her beautiful dress up jewelley, purse and shoes from cousin Nate.

Grosi and Maya were studying the Wilson "yearbook". I create a digital photo album of our family every year since Katie was born. It makes a great present to myself and both sets of grandparents.

We had our traditional Christmas dinner for New Year's Eve this year. The girls were in bed and the adults indulged in way too much fondue Chinoise and homegrown french fries.
Katie sporting her new PJs while watching the new Strawberry Shortcake show.

Maya's PJs are very cute, especially when paired with Katies' slippers:)

We had a wonderful Christmas holiday and we are so blessed to have such a wonderful family, even though we are spread all over the world. We missed seeing Uncle Ian, Aunt Brenda, Alex and Steven, Uncle Chris and Auntie Mel with Nate, and Uncle Rudy and Tante Sarah with Danae and Andre. Maybe some day we'll celebrate Christmas together again, at least some of us.

We wish you all a wonderful 2012 and may God bless you in all you endeavour.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Ursi,

    Thanks for the New Year greetings on my blog.

    It is great to see the pictures of your two girls. I can hardly belive how old they are already. I still have them in 2009/2010 in mind :-)

    Be blessed,
