Monday, April 2, 2012

Was gonna blog

Hello there
I really was going to write a post today, but I seem to have trouble uploading my pics, and I know in reality you just want to see pics of the girls anyway. So today you're missing out on the first "mud monsters" of the season. The girls were outside playing, found Gordie's (our dog) water and promply found enough dirt to make some beautiful mud pies. Those ended up in their hair, face, front and back of their clothes. You get the picture. We let them play until they were too cold and then they went straight to the tub, the clothes straight to the laundry.
Today was another busy day in the kitchen for me. I was cooking for our Liebenzell Board of Directors. They have their meeting about 5 times a year and I get to set up and cook. I really do enjoy doing it, but I think after cooking for 25 kids last week my amount was just a litle bit off. Granted, we did have 4 ppl that were unable to come, but I think I had enough food to feed an addition 10-15. I made 3 types of soup (Beef/Lentil/Barley, Broccoli Cheese, and Cream of Potato) Each would have fed 6-10 ppl easy. Plus I made 4 loafs of bread and enough dessert to last us until the end of the month. (They were individual little Strawberry Cheesecake- I placed them in a muffin cup and froze them). I think I still have about 20 left.
Anyway, that was my day today. I'll try the pictures again some other time. Right now my feet are hurting from standing in the kitchen and day and so I'm off to bed.
Blessings to you all.


  1. i am so glad you enjoy that kind of work. i loath cooking. baking? love it. but cooking? sigh not so much! do you ever run out of ideas for meals? or just have a typical menu that you use?

  2. It's been my 3rd or 4th retreat I cooked for, and I take note of what the young people like and what didn't go over so well. I also keep track of how much they ate, so each retreat is getting easier. I borrow some from the older retreats and try some new stuff.
    As for the Board, I usually look at my Kraft magazine for desserts and for the main meal I just come up with something. Silly me I usually end up trying new recipes so i make some of my own stress, but it usually goes over well.
    And I do prefer baking too, but if it's food that I can do at least a bit in advance I don't mind cooking for a (small) crowd.

  3. i get the kraft mag but i don't make much out of it. i find i never have the ingr's on hand and the meals are high in sat fats and what not. have you tried i get a lot of meals from them....they are mostly healthy. i don't use splenda or fake sweetners but sub maple syrup/applesauce/honey instead. take a peek at it!

    i made a batch of skinny choc chip cookies for tomorrow's preschool party. i want to test "healthy" cookies on 4 yr olds. haha.

    cheers to you! i could not imagine cooking that much food!!! maybe watching your mom all those yrs helped. haha!!
