Sunday, March 18, 2012

Sunday Afternoon Walk

A post two days in a row!!! At least this one will be shorter:)
After church and a nice afternoon nap we all headed to a nearby Conservation are for a little walk.
Jeff enjoyed having Gordie along too and the girls did great. We did one very small loop as Maya was still dragging from getting worken up from her nap (after 2 hours), but when we had circled back to the van both girls wanted to walk some more so we ended up doing another little loop.
They aren't much for posing for me so this was the best I got of the two of them. The weather was just gorgeous and very hard to believe it was 23 degrees in the middle of March - but I'll take it!!
The girls. Maya got to ride on my shoulders for some of it. Gave me a better work out so maybe I can eat a little extra treat tonight:)
Checking out the "water under the bridge". We were at the park for about an hour and enjoyed it so much! We were talking about doing a Bruce Trail holiday some time when the girls are older. I think it would be a lot of fun. (Reminicent of our Thur Wanderung - growing up our family hiked along the 150 km long river that flowed through our town. It took us about 5 years to completely do it but it is one of my best childhood memories - even though my brothers would testify that I did happen to be grumpy my fair share of time. I guess the hiking took part when I was between 10 and 15 so I blame it on teenage hormones.)
Anyway we had a wonderful end of our march break and tomorrow we're back to school life. No more sleeping in (if you consider 7:15 sleeping in anyway)
Blessings to all, Ursi

1 comment:

  1. I think that's a great idea about following the bruce trail. It would take a while going from Niagara to Tobermory, but the kids would have great memories, plus it would take you so long that both of them would be well through puberty before you're done, so they'll be in a good mood again. I do remember your moods from some of those days (hear a brother testify!) but that hiking tour holds many of my fondest memories as a child and a family, too.

