Monday, September 19, 2011

There she goes!!!

Katie's first full day of school!!
It's hard to believe my girl is old enough for school. I love our school's graduated entry. Day 1: 1/2 h one on one with the teacher, Day 2: 1 1/4 hour with 5 other classmates, Day 3: 1/2 day with 1/2 the class, and today her first full day, full class, schoolbus and everything. I'm sure she'll do just fine.
On the way to the end of the lane. I think the walk to the road might become an nice family tradition.

Daddy and his girls. I think it was harder on him than he lets on. (same goes for me:)

We were way early for the bus, but that gave us time for pics:)

Katie is so excited to go to school. Even though she was awake from about 2 -4:30 a.m. she was in good spirits this morning. When I work her up she sleepily asked "is today a school day?" When I said yes she goes "Yeay!!" sat up and was wide awake.

Bye bye, Katie, have a great day!!

Thursday afternoon as we were cleaning the mission for this week's group Maya slipped and fell head first onto the ceramic tile.

We quickly figured that she'll need stiches, and since our Dr. office doesn't do that we had to take her to the emergency.

We were there at 5 p.m., by 6 she saw the triage nurse and at 8:30 she finally got to see the Dr. Finally after 4 hours and 3 stiches we were able to head back home.
Maya did fantastic, waiting her turn (Treehouse on TV helped a lot), letting the nurses and Dr. look at her booboo, entertaining other patients waiting with her funny antics, and even when the Dr. started stiching her up. Of course she cried and didn't really like it, but she did great and even thanked the Dr. after.

She'll always have a little scar in her eyebrow, but it'll just add some character to the character she already is:) So all in all, our first trip to the emergency room was a success, but I still hope we don't have to repeat it too often.

1 comment:

  1. great job katie, mom and dad and you too maya ;)

