Thursday, June 30, 2011

Out of the Crib

Maya is taking after Daddy and is into the whole climbing business. Her latest and most loved obstacle to climb is her crib - out of it that is.
A couple of nights ago she just did not want to settle, so we stuck to our sleep training plan and let her cry it out (I know some of you might have different philosophies on this, but for us and the girls this worked. The only recommendation I have is that you do what works for your kids and family). Anyway, her crying work up Katie so we went to check and moved Katie to our bed. Maya at this point was out of her crib and banging on the door. So once Katie was settled in our room, Maya kept on her crying for a while longer. Finally it was quiet. When we checked on her Maya was sound asleep, covered up in Katie's bed!!
All this to say that today Jeff and I put the crib away and set up a second big girl bed. We'll see how this night goes.
Maya will be safely tucked against the wall, as she is liable to use the entire bed at one point or another during the night.

Katie is a little more stationary in her sleep and should be fine with only one rail, otherwise we'll just rig something to keep her in.

P.S. When the girls got to see the room Katie exclaimed: It's gorgeous!! Then both girls proceeded to jump and bounce on their beds, climb to the next, bounce some more, back and forths. So far it's a hit (we'll see how it turns out at bedtime)

1 comment:

  1. oh, how fun this time is! i remember nate and the crib/big boy bed...all i can say is good luck, it gets better. all the best. see you soon; we're taking off tomorrow at 4am...

