These are some pictures taken over the last couple of weeks, but as a typical mommy I thought they were just too cute not to share.
My girls just haning out with - I mean on- each other. They were playing like that quite happily for much longer than I thought they might.
Katie is enjoying Grandpa's birthday cake. When you compare it with Maya's picture later on you can tell just how much she's growing up.
Ready for school? She's been wearing her purse (still a favoriter, Aunt Sarah) as a backpack and telling me that she's all ready for school. I think we might have to get her a bigger bed once she's a big school girl ;)
Maya, also enjoying the birthday cake - her way!!
Being a little mommy with her dollies, but she couldn't resist the temptation of a soother within reach. She just gets hers in her crib and in the car seat, so I guess this would be a "special treat".
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