Sunday, March 13, 2011


No responsibilities, no expectations, no to do list, no plan = a little bit of heaven for this tired mom.

My "weekend" started Thursday mid morning as I drove off to meet my mom in Listowel for lunch. We met up at one of my favorite stores - the spinery outlet store where I can get some great deals on yarn seconds. After another successful purchase (enough yearn to make about 4 pairs of slippers and a pair of wool socks) we headed to a really nice restaurant. We sat, ate and talked for close to an hour and a half. It was so nice to visit with mom as woman to woman. She's become a dear friend to me and I enjoyed the time just the two of us.
After Mom left to go to the mission I had a couple of errand to run. One of which I have to mention and put in a plug for Marks Work Wearhouse. I had bought a pair of jeans there about a year ago and they completely wore through at the crotch. So without a receipt and a pair of old jeans I went in to see if they would do anything about it. They exchanged it for a brand new pair, no questions asked! I was very impressed!! They will definitely continue to get my business!!
Anyway, it was probably 4 p.m. by the time I got to the farm. Mom had the downstairs appartment set up so lovingly and beautiful. A couple of nice notes, chocolates, fresh fruit, a candle. I felt so loved! Thanks again Mueti!!
So what did I do for the next 40 hours or so. I did a 500 pc puzzle, read a book, slept when and for how long I wanted, spent some time in the hot tub (where Mom left another special treat for me), did some knitting, ate when I felt like it, slept some more, dyed my hair (dark mahogany) and just enjoyed the peace and quiet. I did not listen to music or the radio and I watched maybe 15 min of TV. There was just one small alarm clock downstairs so most of the time I didn't even know what time it was, and I didn't need to know and I didn't care. So nice!! All day Friday it was snowing, blowing and stroming outside. There was a 3 foot drift across the garage so even if I would have wanted to leave I would have been stuck. Thankfully a neighbour came to blow out the driveway Saturday morning so I could head out to go back home.
On the way home I stopped at Zellers and spent almost 2 hours browsing and got a few needed things. I enjoyed being able to take my time, not having to worry about being done at a certain time and not having the kids along made the numberous trips to the change room much relaxing.
I got back home around 3:30, in time to have a coffee with Mueti, say good bye to the group that was here for the weekend and play with the girls. Katie has come down with a fever, but is feeling better again now.
While I was gone one of the fun things the girls did was build their first snowman. Before now the snow was always too dry or the weather too cold.
I think Mueti and Jeff had just as much fun building the snowman as the girls did.Well, Katie wants my help with something, so I'll sign off for today.


  1. Nice. I'm glad to hear you had a chance to rest and relax. i hope you're refreshed and rejuvenated for the days to come. love, chris

  2. Thanks Ursi. We had a good time too. Love you all so much!!!!!!!!!!Have a wonderfull week and God bless you . Muetti
