Thursday, February 3, 2011

Going Outside

It's a beautiful February Day, we finally have a decent amount of snow. The girls just finished a good afternoon nap, I got a lot accomplished while they were sleeping so I figured we'll head out and see what Daddy and the guys were up to in the bush.
Watching as Daddy pulls up with the tractor.
"Daddy!!!" I just love the way the girls get excited to see Jeff.
Sarah, this is for you. I'm in the picture but hiding behind Katie;) Well, not really, I do find that I'm usually the one taking pictures so I thought since Jeff was there he should snap one of his girls. That wagon comes in very handy, but it does get pretty heavy. With both girls I'm probably pulling close to 100 lbs.
So, on the way home I took the much easier way. Maybe not approved by the more cautious people out there, but definitely a lot more fun.
Katie got to hang out with Daddy while Maya and I rode in the wagon. Perfect.
Our home and the Liebenzell Center.
Our backyard, and if you zoom in you can see our dog barking at us.
Then we played a little in the burried old playground tube. Lots of fun.
I almost got stuck in there, but the girls enjoyed it.
We ran out of ice cream so I guess Katie is filling the gap in her own way.
That would be one ginormous icecream cone!
And this is why it takes me half an hour to get out the door. 10 min to convince myself that it's worth the effort and then 20 min to get everyone dressed and ready to get out the door. I'm sure that once the kids are old enough to get dressed themselves, the fun vs. work meter moves decidedly in the way of fun. Right now it's mostly to the work side of things.
It was totally worth it though and the girls should sleep well tonight as Jeff and I head to small group.


  1. The work will be forgotten and the tresures in the heart ,the memories and the liking for his kind of adventure willl stay! Gratulation that you take the time and made the effort to go outside . Even that they and dady could connect out on his workplace.Enjoy life and the kids!

  2. love the picture of you in the sled looking up at jeff on the tractor!

  3. i hear ya on the whole way too much work....i simply don't do winters/snow/cold. chris can do it! i am active enough the rest of the year but i don't do cold! and i don't feel guilty! ha! i think the same when i should be taking nate's way to much work (for now that is) i will wait until it's just flip flops to take him then i don't have to deal with the jackets/boots/layers of clothing.....blah to it all it say!

  4. Looks like a lot of fun once you got outside.
    I'm looking forward to sharing some of that outside fun (and inside) once I come to the mission again this week.
