Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Wrapping up the visiting

I should really blog more often, that way the posts don't end up so long. Yup, time management and aligning priorities is definitely on that New Year's resolution list.
Anyway, here's our pics and stories from our visit to Mom and Dad.
Our last batch of presents to open on New Year's eve. I kind of like having all the gifts spread out over a week. Much more managable for the girls.
Katie's helping unwrap the present from Uncle Marc. Chocolate! Of course the girls were all over that one.
A puzzle for Muetti and Vati, since they are bored and don't know what else to do in their retirement. NOT!!!
Maya unwrapping her present from Grosi and Grosvati. A beautiful wooden chair, just her size. Thank you so much for all your love, time, and presents.
Katie sporting her new waterproof apron she got from Grosi. It's brilliant, just used one of those cheap table cloths, cut out the shape, do the edges and voila.
Katie's also getting a lesson in washing lettuce. And going fishing with a big spoon.
Maya's discovered a new use for the drawers at Grosi's house.
She spent quite a while in there trying out the different bibs and face cloths Grosi stores in there.
We did the hot tub in different stages, with different comination of swimmers. The plan was for just Katie and Daddy to go, but Maya wanted in on the action too.
Katie was the consistant one when it came to the hot tub. She would have gone 3 times each day. It's nice that we don't have to hold her the whole time she's in there now. She actually could stand in the deep middle and had lots of fun splashing and just playing with whoever was in there with her.

Maya's changed and ready to go play too now.
The next day, she wasn't quite as enthused about it and wanted out after just a couple of minutes. Gave me some time with just Katie. Lots of fun.
On our last day at the farm, Katie got to go tubbing with Grosi. I just didn't feel like going in again and was so glad that Grosi went.
They had lots of fun together.
We had a wonderful time at the farm, spend lots of time playing our new favorite game Carcasonne, had coffee time, nap time and just lots of fun. The weather sucked, it rained and all the snow was gone, so we didn't really go outside. Vati and Jeff weren't feeling the greatest but we still enjoyed the time we got to spend together. Thank you for a great visit.

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