Our weekend kind of began already on Thursday with a great visit from my brother Chris, his wife Mel and their son Nathanael. It has been 9 months since we saw them last and it was so nice to connect in person again. 9 months also made a huge difference in the kids, Nate and Katie played so nicely together.
Dr. Chris is showing Nate what he would do should Nate decide to let Chris get close enough to his foot to try to pull out a sliver Nate caught. The demonstration was informational, but not convincing enough, and it didn't hurt that bad anyway...
Playing tag. They switched back and forth and both had equal fun chasing and being chased.
Playing in the sand box and sharing the toys so nicely. I was so proud of both of them.
Wagon ride. For now Nate enjoyed the ride and Katie demonstrated her stamina. Teaching her to let a gentleman do the pulling can wait a little longer.
The main attraction was of course the pond they were not supposed to go to by themselves. It was too hard to resist though..
All the ladies went to the park before it got too hot and the guys went to check out some multi- funtion tool. (Jeff told me all about it and it sounded impressive, but I don't remember all the things it included-if you want to know, Chris? Rudy? you'll have to ask him)
Yee Ha! and Giddy up!!
Maya had fun on the swing, and she had to have a turn on the big swing, not just the baby ones. That kid has no fear (sometimes I wish she had some, but I hear boys are worse)
Posing in the girls' favorite spot in grandma's garden. On the bench with the puppies. Both girls go and check them out every time we visit.
Trying to get a family shot. Maya was just about done posing.
And of course we had to have a water fight. I think grandma had just as much fun as the girls.
I know there is a picture like this in almost every post. But how can you resist taking a picture of a face like that?? Chocolate pudding was the winner this time.
On Thursday night we droped the girls off at grandma and grandpa's house for a couple of days. Jeff and I went to a wedding early afternoon on Friday and thought it would make a much more leisurly day if we didn't have to do the running around with the kids the same day. As it was I didn't get out of bed until 11 a.m. It was awesome!!
The wedding was fun but we headed out early (11p.m.) and then went to join the girls in Plattsville. On Saturday we had fun just haning out.
Back home. Today we make a banana-creamcheese frozen dessert (and I just remembered that we were gonna have it for a snack tonight - but it's after midnight and Jeff and Uncle Marc are already asleep. Oh well I'm sure we'll eat it tomorrow)
The girls had a quick preview/pretaste of it as I was making it, and based on their effort to get every last bit off the beater I think it might be pretty good.
Katie is sporting her new "baker hat" she got from cousin Nate. She likes it almost as much as she liked the sampling.
So, I'm off to bed! Good night everyone.
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